Wednesday 22 December 2010

Client Consultation

After showing my client the raw project files for my music video, she suggested that to enhance the dramatic impact and to add more of a fixed narrative to the video, I should try to intercut the shots of me singing with continuous action that reflected the nature of the song. We brainstormed together and decided that some sort of interrogation scene (that could be interpreted as guidance counselling) could be used, as it had a lot of creative potential in terms of lighting and cinematography.

Here are thumbnails of test shot samples that were taken to accomodate the client's feedback and ideas:

Friday 10 December 2010

Entry 39-Conclusion

After completion of the music video and the music magazine cover, I think that I have been able to use my ICT skills effectively to create a solution for my clients. I learnt a variety of new skills, such as:
-how to view different layers on photoshop during editing
-how to use the magnetic lasso tool on photoshop
-how to export files from audacity
-how to split screen on windows movie maker
-how to embed videos into blogger

I think that through this process, I have been able to challenge my knowledge of ICT and work to solve any problems that I may have faced, such as which format to export my windows movie maker video file in for best quality playback.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Entry 38-Client Feedback on Product

1)Evidence of In The Field Testing

I sent the music video to my clients in order to obtain some feedback:

Client Feedback

2)Evidence that the product has been used commercially

I submitted the link of my music video to the Executive Director of Talent Asia, Spencer Douglass.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Entry 37-Fitness for Purpose

I uploaded my video in high definition as follows:

Saving a Movie File in HD

In order to provide evidence of 'In House Testing'I evaluated my final project against all the project objectives laid out by myself and my clients during the planning stages.
I am quite happy with the finished product, because it meets the specifications of the clients and is a reflection of my results from my survey of the target market, particularly in terms of themes and styles explored. I was able to maniupulate dress codes, location, colour coding and cinematography effectively to combine the suggestions from my clients and my own ideas during the creative process.

Friday 19 November 2010

Re-evaluation of Product

After testing my initial product, based on my own perceptions as well as observations and comments from the target market and my manager, I realised that the video seemed to be lacking a sense of professionalism. Due to this, I decided to change the video-editing software that I used to make the music video. Originally, I used Windows Movie Maker because it is easily accessible and I had prior knowledge and proffiency with the program. However, I felt that this was limiting me creatively, so i decided to opt for using Imovie instead.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Entry 35-Music Video Progress

I am now in the final editing stages. I have sequenced the various shots, added effects and transitions where necessary and edited individual footage. I still need to add some textual information such as the titles and credits etc.
I also need to ensure that it meets the client specifications before coverting it into a suitable format to be uploaded onto youtube.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Entry 34-Exporting a music File

Today I learnt how to export an mp3 file from audacity to use with other programs.
I also learnt how to convert my video footage from MPEG-4 format to WMV, which is suitable for editing with Windows Movie Maker.
Finally, I figured out how to use various video effects to make my music video look more effective and to communicate to the audience.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Entry 33-Completed Music Magazine Cover

This is my music magazine cover. I used Adobe Photoshop to design it, and considered various features such as textual codes, colour codes, image and placement. I have also saved a copy in my IEA portfolio.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Entry 32-Internet Research

I used the website "" to find drum loops which I could download and incorporate into my song during the editing process.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Entry 31-Magazine Cover Initial Ideas

This is my initial idea for the design of the music magazine cover. I included a variety of important elements linked to advertising. For example, the masthead (Billboard) is located at the top for conventional purposes, as it aids in display and distribution. The Feature Photograph on the front cover is of the artist (in this case, me) which helps to promote their image and to draw attention to them, highlighting their significance before the article is read. I also added feature article information as well as tags to engage the reader. The puff (Experience the Buzz) is also a form of self promotion for the magazine company iteself.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Entry 30-Client feedback

After sending the mp3 file of my original song to both my clients, I received postive feedback.
Both my primary and secondary client agreed that the recording of the song itself was very promising and they looked forward to seeing the final product (music video)
I also received some constructive crticism which helped me later on to make alterations.

Documentation of Client Communication

Ict Project Client Convo About Song

Monday 9 August 2010

Entry 29-My IEA Portfolio

I am documenting my progress in the various strands of my project in my ePortfolio.
At this stage in my project, these are the things that I need to achieve in the upcoming future:

-recording and editing my music video
-designing and creating the magazine cover
-exporting the video as an MP4 file
-evaluation, client feedback etc

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Entry 28-Magazine Research

I have found a variety of music magazine covers suited to my target audience from which to generate ideas. I have identified the generic conventions of this form of magazine and I am aware of what I need to include.

Magazine Cover Ideas

I also wanted to check for any copyright issues with using Billboard as an existing movie title, as shown below:

Monday 12 July 2010

Entry 27-Project Alterations

I am changing the nature of my project slightly. I will still be producing and recording the music video of my original song.
However, due to time constraints,rather than a website, I am opting for a music magazine cover featuring a promotion of my music video as I feel that it would be a better way of showcasing my skills. I will be using Photoshop to design the magazine cover, and it will be used as an advertising tool to attract an audience to watch my music video.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Entry 26-Storyboard Feedback

At this stage in my project, I have finished writing up the lyrics and the notation for my original song. After sending an email with my storyboard to my primary client and potential manager, I recieved some feedback.

She thought that it was very effective in manipulating a range of shot sizes and camera movements to create meaning for the audience. She also thought that the technical decisions that I had made in advance (she mentioned my extensive use of colour symbolism) were very creative.
However, in terms of alterations, she mentioned that perhaps I could add a few cutaways to provide a temporary distraction for the focus of the narrative, and to change the pace of the final video.
She also believed that during filming, I would probably realise that I needed to improvise my storyboard in preference of realistic coverage.

I now have to ensure that over the next few weeks, I complete the following:

-recording my music video
-exporting as an MP4 file

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Entry 24

I am opting for a simple approach to the music video due to time and financial constraints. It was inspired by a variety of existing music videos in the current industry, and the main sources are cited below:
--> Valentine [Kina Grannis]-simplistic but effective. linear narrative.
--> I will Be [Leona Lewis] -particularly effective in achieving dramatic impact
--> I Never Told you [Colbie Caillat]-for the use of symbolism and representation
My initial storyboard is attached, though I was unable to upload the original Celtx file, so I took screen shots of three panels at a time, and transferred this to a word document format:
Lost Love Storyboard

Monday 24 May 2010

Entry 23-Storyboard Research

After extensive research on storyboards and layouts,I have gained a wider perspective on technical decisions and mapping out my ideas clearly.
This is my evidence:

I am now going to attempt to create a detailed storyboard that will aid me in the implementation stages of my product.

Monday 10 May 2010

Entry 22-Script

My script will be presented as the lyrics of the song.

Ict Lyrics

Saturday 1 May 2010

Entry 21-Storyboarding Software

I have now chosen the software: Celtx
and have downloaded it to begin creating my storyboard.
Today, I also downloaded and signed up for Jing so that as I get into the design stages of my project, I can keep a regular track of my progress.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Entry 20-Research prior to storyboard

This lesson, I located a website which specifies different websites which will aid me in creating a storyboard. I am considering the one that best fits my needs and will download it to design the storyboard.

Also, I learnt of programs such as Jing to serve as a documentation of my progress. I will now attempt to use this in my project.
To be continued....

Monday 26 April 2010

Entry 19-Client conversation textual evidence

This is a documentation which serves as evidence of my online conversation with my client.

26/04/2010 18:49:03 Aziii Ayra can i please ask you a few questions
26/04/2010 18:49:05 Aziii Ayra as my client
26/04/2010 18:49:19 Aziii Ayra because I need to inteview you to gain a wider perspective on your specifications
26/04/2010 18:49:21 Aziii Ayra as my client
26/04/2010 18:49:39 Aziii Ayra First of all, what type of tempo, style and meaning do you want the song to be?
26/04/2010 18:50:03 Aziii Ayra Also, what are the three required aspects you would like me to include in the music video?
26/04/2010 18:50:33 Aziii Ayra Furthermore, would you prefer an ensemble group, band, solo singer, duet...?
26/04/2010 18:51:20 Aziii Ayra And last, can you help me to generate my music by specifying ONE word that comes to mind which I will then use as a stimulus to write the song?
26/04/2010 18:51:38 Aziii Ayra Finally, any additional comments or suggestions you may have: ___________________________________________________________________________________
26/04/2010 18:51:49 Aziii Ayra Thank you so much, your time is greatly appreciated!
26/04/2010 18:52:05 Aziii Ayra I hope to produce an end product that satisfies you as my client.
26/04/2010 18:52:13 Aziii Ayra -Azaara Perakath

Ayra says:
First of all, what type of tempo, style and meaning do you want the song to be?
I think that when it comes to the style and meaning of a song, it depends on who you are as a musician and that the tempo depends on the style and meaning of a song. Personally, I think that Pop is best suited for you because of your singing style. The meaning of the song should definitely be about something that most people can relate to, therefore I think that your song should be a story about a break up or a situation where love isn’t going right. When in comes to the tempo, you can look at it both ways because the meaning and style of the song is quite flexible. However, I think that it should be a faster tempo because it is more upbeat.
Also, what are the three required aspects you would like me to include in the music video?
For your music video, I think that it is important that you have an interesting story-line which tells the story of your song. I also think that you should have split screens showing different scenes like maybe one screen of you singing and the other of the story. Finally, I think that you should use effects creatively such as using a black and white to show something that happened in the past and transitions between each setting such as fading or focusing in and out to make the music video to look more professional.

Furthermore, would you prefer an ensemble group, band, solo singer, duet...?
I think that you should either go for a band or solo. If you recorded your song as a band, you would have to take into account that you need to find parts for each member and arrange rehearsal times. However if you were just by yourself, you would still need instruments to be recorded but I think I can see you more as a solo artist.

And last, can you help me to generate my music by specifying ONE word that comes to mind which I will then use as a stimulus to write the song?

Finally, any additional comments or suggestions you may have:
I think that you should have someone else singing backing vocals and harmonies in your song because I think it would make it sound more professional.

Aziii says:
thank you so much. i appreciate your client feedback.


Saturday 17 April 2010

Entry 18- Design Stages

Since I am creating a music video as my final product, I am at the stage where I must provide a storyboard showing when and where different shots will be taken and where certain effects/transitions will take place. I will also indicate what extras and sound effects will be used.
I am in the process of making creative and technical decisions to map out a storyboard.

Here are some photographs that I took of prospective locations for filming the music video:

Monday 12 April 2010

Entry 17-Proposed Product

Input requirements:
-video--> split screening to show multiple scenes and give the auidence a more in depth view.
-music--> audio will be the original song synchronised with any backing intruments and vocals.
-graphics--> scenes will be related to the meaning behind the lyrics, but will also show the instruments being played and indirectly express the background, more subtle elements and reflect the tone of the music through colour symbolism, facial expression and camera angles/shot sizes.

Output requirements:
-format of final video file: Flash, this is because it is highly compatible and has a relatively small file size.
-media avaliablity: cd (playable disk) and also an embedded link will be provided on the corresponding website

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Entry 16 Background Research

After using the internet to search for generalised information about the criteria of music videos,these are my findings:

A music video is a short film or video that accompanies a complete piece of music/song. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. Although the origins of music videos go back much further, they came into their own in the 1980s, when MTV based their format around the medium, and later with the launch of VH1. The term "music video" first came into popular usage in the early 1980s. Prior to that time, these works were described by various terms including "filmed insert", "promotional (promo) film", "promotional (promo) clip" or "film clip".

Music videos use a wide range of styles of film making techniques, including animation, live action filming, documentaries, and non-narrative approaches such as abstract film. Some music videos blend different styles, such as animation and live action.

Monday 15 March 2010

Entry 15- Questionnaire

After viewing the results obtained from my questionnaire, I have come to the conclusion that pop, rock and RnB seem to be the most popular genres of music.
I will use this information as a guideline for the song and the music video.
Also, the majority of people enjoy listening to songs about love or breakups, so I will make this a key theme of my song. I also found out that most people like solo singers or bands, which I will definitely take into consideration in order to have a wider target audience and make the video appeal to more people. Generally, a neutral tone seemed to be perferred, nothing too agressive or too energetic. After conducting this online survey, I now have the basic foundation and framework for my project.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Entry 14.2-Questionnaire Results

This blog post is to indicate my progress in carrying out a survey which will help me make decisions that will promote my music video:


Sunday 7 March 2010

Entry 14.1-Questionnaire

I am using googledocs to create a questionnaire which people will fill out and I can gather feedback from. The questionnaire will have questions based on the music industry, in particular genre, style and personal preference to aid me in developing an idea suited to the mainstream target market. I am using googledocs because it is a good way to create, share and collaborate, and its self explanatory functions will enable me to obtain the best user feedback.
The questionnaire includes multiple choice questions as well as options for people to fill in their opinions.

You can view the published form here:

Monday 1 March 2010

Entry 13-Analysis

I am now at the stage in my project where I am considering the optimum solution to my problem and trying to obtain results to ensure the product meets the client's specifications. I will have to make my video on a much smaller scale to mainstream music due to financial constraints. However, through interviews, questionnaires and background research, I aim to gain a better understanding of the demands of my target audience.

Friday 12 February 2010

Entry 12 (Facilities)

I have identified the specific hardware and software I will need throughout my project.

HARDWARE- Sony Cybershot Camera ( model number-DSC-T90), with a 4GB Sony Memory Stick Produo

Acer laptop

SOFTWARE- Audacity( to edit sound) Microsoft Publisher (for flyers), Adobe Photoshop Premium CS5, Microsoft Project (for Gantt Chart) and Windows Movie Maker(for editing music video).

Monday 8 February 2010

Entry 12 -background research

During the process of interviewing my client, I also did some background research.
I analysed a variety of different music videos on youtube and noted down general specifications that I observed, which I could incorporate into my video:
- parallel narratives/action --> the video switched from clips of the singer(s) actually singing to a story linked to the song's lyrics/meanings being shown with the song playing.
-switching scenes
-transitions (fade, wipe, dissolve)
-establishing shots to give an idea of location to audience
- different colours (eg black and white) to suggest contrast and 'replay events'
- processes captured throughout video (getting ready, playing in concert, zoom in of singing)

I also met with my primary client, and together we laid out some basic project objectives.
1} The video would switch between the artist and a more symbolic representation of the narrative.
2) The music video would use colour symbolism to create meaning for the audience.
3) I would carefully consider the mise-en-scene for the different shots to directly link it back to the lyrics of the song.
4) As far as advertising, which would be the website, I would include a picture of the artist (me) and consider the effect of written codes on audiences.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Entry 11- Client interview

After my recent interview with my secondary client, Ayra, I got information for potential ideas leading up to the final music video. I asked her about different aspects of my project such as style of song, instruments to be included and features of the video.
These are my results:

Ayra said (4:34 PM):
I think your song should be something that everyone can relate to. Maybe it could be about love (sad love or happy love), something that isn't going right in life, or it could just be a song without lyrics to it but the instruments show the emotion in the song. I think your song should tell a story and have a moral to it so you can show the story in your music video. However, you could go from a totally different perspective and create an upbeat, dance club style song which people will also love.
Ayra said (4:37 PM):
I think to make your music video look professional, it should switch from scenes. Like one scene of you or someone playing the instruments that are in the song, and another telling the story. So both will be continuously switching back and forth like a typical music video.
Ayra said (4:40 PM):
I think both club dance style and a more downbeat style song have potential. If you were to choose a club dance style song, I think you'd have to have a typical beat, and a lot of electronic layers, which you could possibly do with a synthesizer. Club dance songs are usually longer than normal though. For a downbeat style song, I think the usual guitar, drums and piano will go really well, like a mini band

Sunday 24 January 2010

Entry 9-Analysis

I am gathering in depth interviews with my client as well as conducting questionnaires with young people of a similar age group as my target audience to get a better perspective of prospective themes, meanings and lyrics for my song/music video.

[interview info and questionnaire results to be added]

Friday 22 January 2010

Entry 8-Mindmap

I have created a mindmap to illustrate the various stages of my project. This should help me to plan my time effectively in order to maximise the finished product.

Monday 18 January 2010

Entry 7 (Time Plan)

I am going to create a gantt chart which is a timeline of my entire project. I have set myself deadlines and goals for the many sections of my project. By doing this I hope to utilize my time more effectively, and ensure that my project is completed well before the final submission date so that I can review and evaluate my work and make changes if necessary.

(chart to be added in subsequent posts)

Friday 1 January 2010

Entry 6 (Justification of ICT solution)

I think that by producing a music video for an original piece of music, this allows the wider community to have easy access to a form of entertainment. I think that an ICT solution (music video) is appropriate from a social perspective as it would be useful for students to be inspired or just to listen to music and relax. The main aim is to reveal the story behind the lyrics, to make people more aware that there is depth to music. Often, we listen to music, and although it might reflect our moods or affect how we feel, we don't often consider the implied meanings behind the lyrics. By creating a music video, I aim to make various creative and technical decisions that will be linked to the music. I will take into consideration dress codes, colour coding, camera angles and transitions. By doing this I hope to make people more aware that there is more to our music than just the lyrics. I have also considered representational issues. The fact that I am a teenager would appeal to the target market and help to inspire other young musicians. Also, the website would enable users to be better informed about the music they are listening to and the artists as well as interact with people of similar interests by sharing comments. Therefore by incorporating various ICT skills into my project, it will help me to create an effective solution, and share this music with the wider community.