Monday 28 February 2011

Uploaded Music Video

This is my final product, which I uploaded to youtube:

Saturday 26 February 2011


Having completed my ICT project, i think that it generally meets the original specifications as discussed between the clients and myself. The music video is a realistic reflection of an emerging artist's demo song being released for commercial use and to promote marketing and song sales. The tie-in promotional material helps to solidify the fan-base through the use of iconography, colour coding and dress codes. I think that the music video will be able to educate young people on the importance of being positive and moving on from bad experiences, which is reflected through the non-linear narrative of the video. Finally, I do feel that the finalised product being available on a mass-video sharing site like youtube will enable audiences to relax (the music video is a form of entertainment known as escapism).

Monday 21 February 2011

Editing music video on iMovie

After opting to use iMovie to edit and perfect the video to a professional quality, I began to experiment with the different functions on this alternative software.