Wednesday 22 December 2010

Client Consultation

After showing my client the raw project files for my music video, she suggested that to enhance the dramatic impact and to add more of a fixed narrative to the video, I should try to intercut the shots of me singing with continuous action that reflected the nature of the song. We brainstormed together and decided that some sort of interrogation scene (that could be interpreted as guidance counselling) could be used, as it had a lot of creative potential in terms of lighting and cinematography.

Here are thumbnails of test shot samples that were taken to accomodate the client's feedback and ideas:

Friday 10 December 2010

Entry 39-Conclusion

After completion of the music video and the music magazine cover, I think that I have been able to use my ICT skills effectively to create a solution for my clients. I learnt a variety of new skills, such as:
-how to view different layers on photoshop during editing
-how to use the magnetic lasso tool on photoshop
-how to export files from audacity
-how to split screen on windows movie maker
-how to embed videos into blogger

I think that through this process, I have been able to challenge my knowledge of ICT and work to solve any problems that I may have faced, such as which format to export my windows movie maker video file in for best quality playback.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Entry 38-Client Feedback on Product

1)Evidence of In The Field Testing

I sent the music video to my clients in order to obtain some feedback:

Client Feedback

2)Evidence that the product has been used commercially

I submitted the link of my music video to the Executive Director of Talent Asia, Spencer Douglass.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Entry 37-Fitness for Purpose

I uploaded my video in high definition as follows:

Saving a Movie File in HD

In order to provide evidence of 'In House Testing'I evaluated my final project against all the project objectives laid out by myself and my clients during the planning stages.
I am quite happy with the finished product, because it meets the specifications of the clients and is a reflection of my results from my survey of the target market, particularly in terms of themes and styles explored. I was able to maniupulate dress codes, location, colour coding and cinematography effectively to combine the suggestions from my clients and my own ideas during the creative process.